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                当前位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 重防腐漆


                PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This product is a single-component new heavy-duty anti-corrosion coating mainly composed of special special resin liquid, high-purity zinc powder, environmentally friendly solvents and additives. The content of zinc powder can reach more than 96%.

                产品简介 本产度锌等组的单组,锌粉含量可█达到96%以上。

                RECOMMENDED USE 1. A single layer can be used as a metal anti-corrosion protective layer for

                long-term protection of steel surfaces, replacing hot-dip (plating) zinc, hot (arc) zinc spraying and other anti-corrosion materials.

                用途 1金属护层铁表,替代热浸(镀)锌腐材料。 2. It can be used as a primer for heavy-duty anti-corrosion coating system and used in conjunction with other intermediate paints or top paints except alkyd paints.

                2、可作为重防腐涂装体系底漆,与除醇酸类涂料之外的其它中间漆或面∮漆配套使用。3. It can be used to repair the damage of various galvanized layers on the surface of steel structures caused by corrosion, welding, cutting, drilling, riveting, etc.

                3、可用于对钢结构表面各种镀锌层由于腐蚀、焊接、切割、钻孔、铆接等引起的破损处进行修补。 4. It is widely used in corrosion prevention of various steel components and facilities, such as power transmission and transformation systems, power generation

                Electrical systems, bridge steel structures, port machinery, steel structures, marine facilities, highways, railway facilities, water conservancy facilities, air defense facilities, petrochemical equipment, etc.


                电系统、桥梁钢结构、港口机械、钢结构建筑物、海洋设施、高速 公路、铁路设施、水利设施、人防设施、石油化工设备等等。

                COMPLIED STANDARDS Complies with ISO 12944-5、SSPC PAINT 20、HG/T 3668-2009

                符合标准 符合JT/T1266-2019中的成分要求

                FEATURES Excellent weather resistance;

                产品特性 耐候性优异

                Strong adhesion and good recoating performance


                Excellent resistance to abrasions and impacts


                Convenient construction environmentally friendly

                施工便捷 环保



                Color Grey

                颜色 灰色

                Gloss Matt

                光泽 无光

                Volume Solids 60%


                Mixing density 2.9


                VOC 254g/L

                挥发性有机化合物含量 254g/L

                Flash Point 18℃

                闪点 18℃

                Film Thickness Dry:30-80microns/coat Wet:45-119 microns/coat

                涂装膜厚 干膜:30-80微米/道 湿膜:45-119微米/道

                Theoretical Coverage 0.208kg/m2/50microns

                理论涂布率 0.21千克/平方米/40微米

                Practical coverage depending on surface conditions,environment,

